St Saviour’s School is committed to helping children achieve good outcomes by providing a safe learning environment and to enable them to access all necessary available services. The school policy is in line and should be read in conjunction with the CYPES/Education Department’s Child Protection Policy and the Safeguarding Partnership Board Interagency Child Protection Procedures.
We ensure that arrangements are in place to safeguard and promote the welfare of pupils by:
Ensuring there are fully trained and named Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) available within school.
The current DSLs are Mrs D Thom, Mrs K Williams, Mrs S Jones. Mrs N Cordiner is the Deputy DSL.
Ensuring all staff underatke regular, update safeguarding training.
Providing a safe, healthy learning environment that allows them to develop to their full potential.
Identifying children who are suffering, or likely to suffer significant harm, taking appropriate action to safeguard their welfare, particularly those pupils who are most disadvantaged, with the aim of ensuring they are kept safe at home and school.
Providing pupils with opportunities to discuss issues and report problems affecting their safety and welfare.
Ensuring safe recruitment practices.
Ensuring robust procedures for recognition and referral where there are welfare or child protection concerns.
Monitoring and supporting pupils who are subject to child protection plans and contributing to the implementation of their plan.
Raising awareness amongst staff of child protection issues and ensuring staff are equipped to deal with concerns.
Teaching children to keep themselves safe and ensuring they know who to approach for help.
Promoting partnership working with parents/carers and professionals.
Please view the VIDEO below for further information about the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH).